
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blizzard DotA for StarCraft 2 Announced - BlizzCon

After having so many DotA Genre games like League of Legends, Heroes Of Newerth and Valve's DotA 2. The PC games giant Blizzard has announced 4 new maps for StarCraft 2 on the opening day of BlizzCon 2010. Surprisingly, Blizzard's DotA was one of it. Blizzard developers said that StarCraft 2 DotA will be based on Warcraft 3 DotA by IceFrog. All the heroes, items, farming even the whole gameplay style will be implemented in the upcoming Blizzard's DotA.

Blizzard DotA:
Wage war with the most powerful heroes from Blizzard Entertainment’s game universes in this explosive new multiplayer game.

Blizzard's greatest heroes have been drawn from their respective universes to do battle on a chess-themed battleground. You control a hero and must level up, buy items, and work together with your teammates to defeat waves of units and ultimately destroy the opposing team's King Tower.

Blizzard DotA map for StarCraft 2 will be released in near future via It will be free for everyone who owns a copy of StarCraft 2. Till now, We can predict that Blizzard's DotA is more likely to be a sci-fi oriented DotA. Blizzard is updating StarCraft 2 engine, map editor and continuously adding features so it can support the Blizzard DotA.

Blizzard has not announced any official StarCraft 2 DotA release date yet but it is expected be released in near future. Also, Valve is coming up with DotA 2 in 2011. Do you think that Blizzard DotA will be good enough to beat DotA2?

A player said...
Well, first of all DoTA is not an actual game, its an abuse of gameplay mechanics forced into works by a very talented modder.

Hiring IceFrog would indeed bring another DoTA but what if DoTA could become something more?

A real gamedesigner would probably give up on the idea of MoBA since there cant be too efficient controls like in Starcraft 2, the controls are just awsome.

So with the im not gonna say bad controls but mediocre a crucial part of your skill is learning how to move your hero as efficient as possible.
In League of Legends they put everything that made DoTA unique and started to take away and add features that was necessary. Now im gonna say that when League of Legends came out it was King, I even liked better than HoN (sure laning phase wasnt that hard in LoL but I didnt have any problem with it in HoN either)

NOW however Riot has become a company that feeds on casuals. Its an evil circle, if u make it too hardcore no one will play it and thus creating no playerbase for there even to be a competitive playerbase.
So they are just trying to make more money by as of now releasing Champions every third week or something. (in the beginning there was like 20-30 I think now it is 63! in like two YEARs!)

HoN released like 10 heroes in one and a half years but they patch and do balance changes like a prof company however, they took the safe root and made a DoTA with better interface.

MoBA needs to have faster gameplay and some Dual Stick action!


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